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鱼竿英文 3米9的鱼竿
简介 鱼竿英文:Fishing rod (also called fishing pole) is a tool used by anglers to catch fish. It consists of
Fishing rod (also called fishing pole) is a tool used by anglers to catch fish. It consists of a long, flexible rod with a line attached to the end, and a hook or lure attached to the other. Fishing rods come in various lengths, materials, and styles depending on the type of fishing being done. Most are made from fiberglass, graphite, or a combination of the two, but bamboo and wood are also used for specialty rods.
1. 首先,将竿子从支架上取下,检查鱼竿的外观是否正常,查看竿子的弯曲、断裂等情况,以确保安全使用。
2. 然后,将竿子的开口头置于竿杆的底部,并将其固定,以防止竿杆的弯曲和断裂。
3. 接着,将鱼线从箱子里取出,绕到竿子上,并将线头系在竿子的末端。
4. 接下来,将鱼饵装在鱼钩上,然后将钩子系在线头上,以钓鱼。
5. 最后,将鱼竿投入水中,然后试着把它拉到水面,以查看钓鱼成功情况。
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