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十三米鱼竿 鱼竿和鱼篓阅读答案
简介 十三米鱼竿:1. 将鱼竿拉直,以免发生缠绕。2. 用右手把鱼竿拿紧,同时用左手将把手把放在把手下方,拉紧鱼线。3. 将鱼竿头部放回鱼竿槽,把把手放在上面,然后把鱼竿的尾部放回鱼竿槽。4. 把鱼竿放在一
1. 将鱼竿拉直,以免发生缠绕。
2. 用右手把鱼竿拿紧,同时用左手将把手把放在把手下方,拉紧鱼线。
3. 将鱼竿头部放回鱼竿槽,把把手放在上面,然后把鱼竿的尾部放回鱼竿槽。
4. 把鱼竿放在一个平整的地面上,保持竿体不晃动。
5. 最后,将鱼竿放入鱼竿袋中,以免受潮、受损。
A fishing rod and basket are essential items for a successful fishing trip. The fishing rod is used to cast the line out into the water and to reel the fish in once they are caught. The basket is used to store the fish that are caught, as well as any other items needed for the trip such as bait and tackle. Both items must be of good quality and suited to the type of fishing being done. For example, a deep sea angler may need a much heavier rod and basket than a freshwater angler. In addition, the rod and basket should be easy to transport, as they will likely be needed for multiple trips.