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owner鱼钩 钓混养 鱼钩


简介 owner鱼钩:Knot tying is an important part of fishing, and a good knot is essential for a successful da


Knot tying is an important part of fishing, and a good knot is essential for a successful day on the water. The best knot for a fisherman to use is the Palomar Knot. To tie the Palomar Knot, the line should be doubled and passed through the eye of the hook. The doubled line should then be looped around and tied into a loose overhand knot. Next, the hook should be pulled up through the loop, and the line should be pulled tight. Finally, the tag end of the line should be passed through the loop one more time before trimming off the excess line. The Palomar Knot is a strong and reliable knot that will provide a secure connection between the line and the hook.

钓混养 鱼钩:


1. 检查装备:检查鱼钩、鱼线和鱼竿是否完好,确保安全。

2. 放饵:将鱼饵投入水中,让鱼吃上饵。

3. 开始钓鱼:将鱼钩抛入水中,等待鱼上钩。

4. 拉鱼:及时轻松地拉起鱼竿,把鱼拉上岸。

5. 活捉:将鱼捞出水面,用手抓住鱼的尾巴,将鱼放进篮子里。

6. 清理装备:当钓鱼结束后,清理鱼钩、线材和鱼竿,把鱼竿和线材收起来,把鱼钩洗净。

7. 收工:将收获的鱼进行清理和分类,然后装入冰箱,准备回家。

